

This 5th edition of the EMILI Conference offers an opportunity to present and discuss the latest scientific advances from research on gas and dust emissions in animal agriculture. These will provide the information that industry and governments need in order to achieve cost-effective gas and dust mitigation outcomes.


During the last decades, important advances have been achieved regarding the understanding of emissions processes, measurement strategies, modelling and mitigation strategies. However, a higher level of ambition is required to ensure the sustainability of livestock production. Scientific knowledge is necessary to measure the emissions, to improve national inventories of gas emissions and to understand the processes which make it possible to reduce the emissions while adapting to the diversity of the animal farming systems and the practices of the farmers.


Livestock production is essential to ensure food security and allows the social and economic development of rural areas. However, animal production involves emitting ammonia, greenhouse gases, particulate matter and other pollutants to the atmosphere, causing detrimental effects on the environment and impairing animal and human health. Therefore, it is urgent that these emissions are reduced globally.


Check out all the venue details by tapping the button:


Meta-analysis of greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from manure: results, challenges and potential solutions - Tony Van der Weerden y Melynda Hassouna

Potential of sensing techniques to assess and support on-farm environmental performance - Nico Ogink

EmiMin - Results of the project: measures to reduce emissions from livestock buildings in Germany - Brigitte Eurich-Menden

Best Available Techniques (BAT) for emission prevention and control in the livestock sector - Francesco Presicce

NOTICE: The communication of abstract acceptance has been extended until April 26thth

Important dates

NOTICE: The communication of abstract acceptance has been extended until April 26thth

Opening abstract submission


Opening registration


Abstract submission deadline


Communication of abstract acceptance


Early Bird Registration


Late Registration


Abstract Submission

Abstract submissions are now closed to new entries. Thank you!

NOTICE: Abstract submission deadline extended

Abstract submission will be open from 11/12/2023 to 26/04/2024

All information must fit within one page. Use the font CALIBRI, size 11 except for the title (size 12) and affiliations (size 10). All page margins are 2,5 cm.

Please contact if you need any assistance.

Send your Abstract using the following form:


NOTICE: In the table below, you will find a summarized version of the program. To obtain the full program, including the content of all the keynotes, please click here:

Tuesday 24th September 2024

Time Workshop
Conference Opening
Keynote: "Meta-analysis of greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from manure: results, perspectives and lessons” - Mélynda Hassouna (INRAE, France) and Tony Van der Weerden (AgResearch, New Zeeland)
Coffee break
Session 1: On-farm emission measurement techniques and protocols
Keynote: “Potential of new sensing techniques to assess on-farm environmental performance”- Nico Ogink (Wageningen University Research). Followed by Open Discussion
Poster Session 1 and Poster Session 2
Coffee Break
Session 2: Animal strategies to mitigate emissions: animal feeding and breeding.
End of scientific activities

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Time Workshop
Keynote: "EmiMin - Results of measures to reduce emissions from livestock buildings in Germany” - Brigitte Eurich-Menden (KTBL, Germany)
Session 3: Mitigating emissions from livestock buildings: facilities and management
Coffee break
Session 3: Mitigating emissions from livestock buildings: facilities and management
Poster Session 3
Session 4: Emission mitigation from manure storage
Poster Session 4
Coffee Break
Session 4: Emission mitigation from manure storage
Working Groups: Special issue on emissions from livestock farms- Biosystems Engineering and other initiatives
End of scientific activities
Conference Dinner

Thursday 26th September 2024

Time Workshop
Keynote: "Best Available Techniques (BAT) for emission prevention and control in the livestock sector” - Francesco Presicce (JRC-European Comission, Spain)
Round Table: From science to practice
Coffee break
Session 5: Inventories and policy-makers.
Poster Session 5
Conclusions and closing ceremony

Registration information


Early bird (until 6th June 2024)
  • 24-26 september 2024


Early bird (until 6th June 2024)
  • 24-26 september 2024

Committee Composition

Scientific Committee

Agustín del Prado, Basque Centre for Climate Change – BC3 (Spain)

Alba Cerisuelo, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (Spain)

Anders Feilberg, Aarhus University (Denmark)

Anders Peter Adamsen, Aarhus University (Denmark)

Barbara Amon, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (Germany)

Beatriz Molinuevo, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)

Claudia Arcidiacono, University of Catania (Italy)

David Fangueiro, Instituto Superior de Agronomia – Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

David Janke, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (Germany)

Eduardo Rosa, Neiker (Spain)

Fernando Estelles, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)

Julio Mosquera, Wageningen University (The Netherlands)

Li Rong, Aarhus University (Denmark)

Manuel Romero, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – Estación Experimental el Zaidín (Spain)

Mélynda Hassouna, INRAE – French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (France)

Paulo Armando Victoria de Oliveira, Embrapa (Brasil)

Peter Demeyer, ILVO – Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Belgium)

Pilar Merino, Neiker (Spain)

Sabine Schrade, Agroscope (Switzerland)

Stéphane Godbout, Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement (IRDA) (Canada)

Tomas Norton, KU Leuven (Belgium)

Salvador Calvet, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)

Xabier Díaz de Otálora, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)

Organising Committee

Salvador Calvet Sanz

Fernando Estellés Barber

Xabier Díaz de Otálora

Eliseo Gil Vidal

Elena Sanchis Jiménez

Blanca Fajardo Viloria

Daniel Mendez Reyes

Nawel Hlel

Alba Cerisuelo

Andrea Costantino

Marta Jarque Durán

Mélynda Hassouna


Organizer and location

The conference will be held at the Centro de Apoyo a la Innovación, la Investigación y la Transferencia de Tecnología (CTT) Nexus building auditorium (salón de actos del edificio Nexus).

UPV is a Spanish public university based in Valencia. The UPV is organized into nine higher technical schools, two faculties and two higher polytechnic schools, which are responsible for organizing the teaching of 39 degrees, and has 42 departments and 41 research centers and institutes.

Address: C. de Apoyo a la Innov., la Invest. y la Transf. de Tec. (CTT), Algirós, 46022 Valencia (open in Google Maps)

The UPV Campus can be reached easily from the city by bus, underground, taxi or bike.

How to arrive to the city

By plane

Valencia Airport has direct flights to most major European cities and regional airports. Valencia Airport is located eight kilometres west of the capital in the town Manises.

From the airport to the city by metro:

Line 5 Aeropuerto/Maritim-Serreria. Approx. every 10-20 minutes.

Line 3 Aeropuerto / Palmaret- Rafelbunyol. Approx. every 10-20 minutes

Fare to/from city centre: €3.90.

More information here

From the airport to the city by taxi:

Official taxi service is available at the airport. The cost airport-city centre is about €25. More information here

By train

The long-range train station of Valencia is called Joaquin Sorolla. High-speed trains connect the city with Madrid (less than 2h trip) and Barcelona (about 3.5h trip).

Acommodation suggestions

We have contacted the following hotels for special discount:

Avenida de Catalunya, 5. Valencia
Promotional code: CONGRESO

Carrer de Vicente Beltrán Grimal, 2. Valencia
Promotional code: EMILI24

Avenida Baleares, 2. Valencia
Promotional code: EMILI24

Doctor Vicente Zaragozá, 13. Valencia
Promotional Code: EMILI CONFERENCE 2024

Avenida del Puerto, 39. Valencia
Promotional Code: EMILI CONFERENCE 2024

C/ Maestro Serrano, 3. Alboraya
Promotional Code: EMILI CONFERENCE 2024

Other suggestions

Avenida de los Naranjos s/n. Valencia

Cardenal Benlloch, 28. Valencia

Avenida del Puerto, 214. Valencia

Escritor Rafael Ferreres 22. Valencia

Avenida de Francia, 11. Valencia

Plaza del Mercado, 45. Valencia

Antonio Ferrandis, 18. Valencia

Our sponsors

2024 EmiLi Conference · Universitat Politécnica de València · 24-26 september 2024 · | Privacy Policy and Cookies